Monday, February 14, 2011

ART 350-Reading Questions

From Interactive Art on the Internet by Eduardo Kac

1. Seeing as how the Internet has virtually no censorship and that anyone connected may upload whatever they desire, how might this effect artists using the Internet as an interactive medium and the deeply rooted idea that art has a social responsibility, either negatively or positively?

From On Totalitarian Interactivity by Lev Manovich

2. The final paragraph of the essay reads, "This (interactive computer media) is a new kind of identification appropriate for the information age of cognitive labor. The cultural technologies of an industrial society -- cinema and fashion -- asked us to identify with somebody's bodily image. The interactive media asks us to identify with somebody's else mental structure." If this is true, will it come to pass that interactive computer media will put the same pressure on society to conform to a certain "mental structure" the way that cinema and fashion have with bodily images?

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