Thursday, February 17, 2011

ART 350-Arduino Update #1

The last couple weeks have been filled with much trial and error and trying to land on a concrete idea of what the project was going to be. Justeen and I have decided to work on this first project together and to create an underwater like world full of jellyfish within a gallery setting. We just recently purchased a 3D model of a jellyfish (pictured above) we plan to use as a template to create our own jellyfish. We've been working in Pepakura, a program that allows us to create paper models from 3D data, to try and make the most realistic looking jellyfish possible. Once we have Pepakura all figured out and our jellyfish in production (we plan to make at least 10), we will be using the Arduino to light the jellyfish up and possibly make them move. The plan at this point is to have the jellyfish made out of a transparent fabric, EL Wire in the bell of the model to give it light, Fiber Optic Lights as the tentacles, and possibly Fiber Optic Ribbon for the oral arms. The Arduino will have a motion sensor attached to detect any movement in the gallery and activate the lights in the jellyfish. There is still a lot of work to go but I am excited to see the project progress.

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