Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Project #5: Sound and Video Montage (chance)

Also available to view on my YouTube Channel

When comparing my controlled video versus my chance video, I take much more of a liking to the chance for several reasons. First of all, my chance operation was one that was extremely fun for me to work with. On Monday night, during the lightning storm, I watched from my back porch for about an hour, recording every time I saw lightning flashes. I translated that hour of lightning into my minute long video by changing video clips every time there was lightning. If there were more than one lightning bolts at once, I reversed the video. The amount of time between the lightning and thunder determined how much I slowed down or sped up the video. Secondly, I think I enjoyed the chance video more because I did not set any expectations for it like I had with my controlled video. I just purely enjoyed making it using the lightning strikes as my chance operator.

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